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Thursday, March 24, 2022


A little shameless self-promotion here. My dinosaur-on-the-loose thriller is now available in trade paperback and hardcover as well as ebook formats 

"In this dramatic monster-chiller scientists use a time machine to bring prehistoric animals into the early 21st century and their base located on the Yucatan peninsula. Unfortunately, they also bring back the meteor that destroyed the dinosaurs---and now may destroy mankind. As all manner of prehistoric animals -- flying, crawling, and swimming -- create havoc in the complex and surrounding areas, the scientists try desperately to avert global disaster while dodging assaults from huge and very hungry animals, and facing sudden trips back to the Mesozoic era through dangerous, unexpected time loops."

"Energetic and thrilling, with interesting characters."

"Schoell puts the reader through a wringer, as you never know what's coming at you or the characters next."

You can buy this on amazon as a beautiful hardcover or trade paperback, or an inexpensive kindle ebook.