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Thursday, August 15, 2024


George Nader and Ro-Man
ROBOT MONSTER (1953). Produced and directed by Phil Tucker. Screenplay by Wyatt Ordung. Originally shown in 3-D. Colorized

"You look like a pooped-out pinwheel!" -- little Johnny to Ro-Man.

After a nuclear war an alien race have wiped out the rest of earth's civilization, aside from a handful of people: a professor (John Mylong) and his wife (Selena Royle); their daughter Alice (Claudia Barrett); their little boy Johnny (Gregory Moffett); his sister Carla (Pamela Paulson); and Alice's sometime boyfriend, Roy (George Nader of Death and Diamonds). Ro-Man (George Barrows; voiced by John Brown) is unaware that these people are immune to his ray guns because of an antibiotic they've taken. Ro-Man -- who appears to be a gorilla wearing a diving helmet -- seems taken with Alice, but will his interest in her be enough to save them? Things get grim in this comic bookish nightmare ... 

Claudia Barrett, John Mylong, George Nader
Behind the opening credits of Robot Monster are a variety of science fiction magazines and comics, which is especially appropriate because the movie is like a kid's comic book story, with ridiculous "science" and not much logic. The basic idea of a family trying to hold out against an all-powerful invader is perfectly good, but the movie -- especially its depiction of the ludicrous invaders -- is even sillier than some of those much-more-entertaining Republic sci fi serials such as Radar Men from the Moon. Still the acting is generally good, with Royle and Barrett playing with conviction, no easy feat considering the movie's absurdities. It's strange that the movie has such downbeat sequences as a child being murdered, however, considering the general tone of the picture. To pad out the running time there is stock footage of dinosaurs with some flimsy excuse for their appearance. Elmer Bernstein's theme music is better than the picture deserves. George Barrows also wore a gorilla outfit in Hillbillies in a Haunted House fourteen years later. Every cast member, aside from the children, had dozens and dozens of credits. 

Verdict: It's not very good but it may hold your attention in spite of it if only to see who survives. **1/4. 


  1. Another Nader epic I need to see. He looked great in all of them!

  2. Definitely a good-lookin' dude, and a better actor than he was given credit for.
