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Thursday, July 11, 2024


Susan Morrow, Suzanne Alexander, Carol Brewster
CAT-WOMEN OF THE MOON (1953). Director: Arthur Hilton. Colorized

A rocket ship heads for the first ever moon landing. Aboard are the commander, Laird (Sonny Tufts of Serpent Island), second-in-command Kip (Victor Jory of The Shadow), radio operator Doug (William Phipps), Walter (Douglas Fowley of Freddie Steps Out) and biologist Helen (Marie Windsor). Helen seems to not only know that they should land on the dark side of the moon, but exactly where they should go once they disembark. Helen leads the men to an air-filled cavern complete with giant spiders and a bevy of beautiful, black-clad "cat-women." These women are not only able to maintain mind control over Helen, but plan to murder the men and take over the Earth! 

Victor Jory and Marie Windsor
Originally released in 3D, Cat-Women is a middle of the road "babes in space" movie, better than Queen of Outer Space but not nearly as much fun as Missile to the Moon (which is basically a remake). The colorization process is done well in this version, and increases the limited enjoyment level. Some parts of the screenplay were never filmed, and the climax almost occurs off-screen! A decided asset is the score by Elmer Bernstein, who would go on to far superior pictures. The acting in this is possibly better than the movie deserves, with everyone giving it their all no matter how ridiculous the situations. Carol Brewster plays Alpha, the leader of the cat-women; Suzanne Alexander is Beta; and Susan Morrow plays the sympathetic Lambda, who falls in love with handsome Doug and vice versa. Arthur Hilton also directed The Big Chase.

Verdict: Dig that giant spider! **1/2. 


  1. I've seen this one. Fun! Marie Windsor was truly a Queen of the B's.

  2. She was a saucy and talented actress who never made the jump to A pictures, unfortunately.
