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Thursday, July 25, 2024


One of the fiends goes on the attack!
FIEND WITHOUT A FACE (1958), Director: Arthur Crabtree, Colorized

Canadian locals near an American air base with an atomic power plant blame the Army for everything from less milk from the cows to too many noisy flights overhead, but then when dead bodies start turning up everyone gets worried. Townspeople and military people alike are beset by invisible creatures that are somehow able to suck out brains and spinal cords from victims through two holes in the skull. The foolish Professor Walgate (Kynaston Reeves) has managed to materialize his thoughts in the shape of living, malevolent brains that have now strangely multiplied and are on the attack. The brains use the atomic power to become visible to Walgate, Major Cummings (Marshall Thompson of It, the Terror from Beyond Space), Barbara Griselle (Kim Parker), whose brother was the first victim, Captain Chester (Terry Kilburn) and others in the exciting climax. Will the brains take over the town?

Kim Parker and Marshall Thompson
Fiend Without a Face is a silly but fun monster flick with some decent acting and more than decent stop-motion animation of the brains, along with excellent, creepy sound effects. The brains are not only able to pull themselves along the ground by using their attached spinal cords, but can actually launch themselves into the air! The whole thing is very much like a comic book story, with absurd "science" and a great deal of illogic. Walgate tries to explain how the brains came to be in one sequence, but his explanations only cause more confusion. But in the long run it doesn't matter as Fiend is short, fast-paced, and very entertaining and amusing. Thompson manages to keep a straight face throughout and always claimed that he actually directed much of the movie. James Dyrenforth, who plays the ill-fated mayor, was also in The Giant Behemoth. Arthur Crabtree also directed the zesty Horrors of the Black Museum

Verdict: You can't beat those brains! 

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