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Thursday, July 25, 2024


Scotty Beckett and Jimmy Lydon
CORKY OF GASOLINE ALLEY (1951). Written and directed by Edward Bernds. Based on the comic strip Gasoline Alley by Frank King.

In this sequel to Gasoline Alley, the Wallet family, headed by Walt ((Don Beddoe of Jack the Giant Killer), deal with a number of problems. Corky (Scotty Beckett) is still running a diner with his wife Hope (Susan Morrow of Cat-Women of the Moon), and his brother Skeezix (Jimmy Lydon) has a repair and automotive shop. Skeezix' partner has gone into the service so that the fellow is short-handed and not certain how to sell or repair the many TV sets in the place. Then there's the freeloading cousin Elwood (Gordon Jones), who simply moves in with the Wallets, taking advantage of their generosity. When he allegedly hurts his back and is bedridden, the Wallet's daughter Judy (Patti Brady)  tries to trick him into revealing that he's faking; her scheme is clever. Better than the first film, Corky of Gasoline Alley is amiable and has a fair amount of laughs. 

Verdict: Basically a theatrical sitcom but with some rewards for fans of the comic strip. **3/4. 

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